Trip to Morella

On October 11th I have gone with my family and some friends to Morella (Castellón). We went to visit the castle that had this interesting town full of stories and curiosities.

We were in the car for 2 hours, which in my opinion was torture to be locked with a belt tightening you and to be watching my father’s backrest all the time since he was driving in front and I was behind. When we were already driving for a while, at the end we saw a town seemed to me like a pyramid with a wall that surrounds it, point in the distance it looked like houses. They were so close together that I could even jump from roof to roof, I was already imagining it.

We walked a lot until we reached the top of “pyramid”, where the castle was very well preserved with its walls, rooms, even interior churches with sculptures of Christ and secret passages, there were cannons. My best friend and I went on our own and there was a moment when we got lost and saw our parents and siblings, we started to cry and cry.


David T. 6th grade

Chinese Calligraphy

On Saturday, a group of mates of 6th grade went to a place to learn Chinese calligraphy. This group of friends were Adrian, Ines, Eva, Gloria, Paula , Maria , David ,Esther, Eia-Liv and me (Moses).

First of all, my father explained how he does all the material works, and then we started to write the Chinese calligraphy.

Everybody did great and everyone was super happy because all of them learned how to write a little bit of Chinese. It was a lovely experience to all of us and I think we all had a great time together.

I really like Chinese calligraphy.

Moses, 6th grade

La historia de un níspero

Allá por el 1900 mi tatarabuelo compro un huerto en su pueblo natal Tuéjar (Valencia) para que su mujer disfrutase los días de descanso. De ese lugar hemos disfrutado más de 5 generaciones con la mía 6.

En ese lugar plantaron un níspero del que han disfrutado y lo seguimos haciendo hoy en día. Este níspero tiene más de 100 años y durante todos estos años nos ha dado frutos, hemos trepado por sus ramas, nos hemos columpiado y jugado generación tras generación.

Hoy en día es el centro del jardín de la casa de mis abuelos que con tanto esfuerzo han construido.

Ese ha sido el sueño de mi abuelo y lo ha conseguido.

Carmen C. 6º de primaria

My autobiography

My name is Leire and I was born on the 2nd of February 2009. Now I’m studying at Gençana School and I am 11 years old. I like to hiking and the science.

My parents are Imma, who is 44 years old, and works like a teacher, and Jose, that is 43 years old and works like a teacher too. My mum likes to hiking and read and my dad likes to play to strategy games.

I have two grandmothers, Rosa, who is my mother’s mum, and Modesta, who is my father’s mum. I haven’t grandfathers, they died.

I have two aunts. Their names are Ana and Maria Victoria who has a daughter called Mar. I have two uncles too called Hector that is the brother of my mum and the boyfriend of Maria Victoria, and Justo, who is the other brother of my mum.

In my life, I have gone only one time out of Spain that was when I went to Paris. In there I went to the Eiffel Tower, to the Louvre and to the Versailles Palace. But I have gone too to Mallorca and País Vasco.

I have been taking of a swimming team since 2019. My first competition was very exciting and I was very nervous.

In my future plans I would like to be a scientific because I like the science and the medicine.

Leire L. 6th grade.


De l´any 2009 sóc.

Ara tinc 11 anys.

Ràpid vaig sempre a tots els llocs.

I a més, m´agrada correr.

Oblidadís no sóc mai.


Padel és un dels meus esports preferits.

Els meus pares són Miguel i Claudia.

No m’ agraden les bledes.

A molts llocs he viatjat.

Légolas és el nom del meu gos.

Va arribar al confinament.

Als meus oncles els agrada la escalibada.


Sheldon és el nom del meu gat.

Andalussos són els meus 4 avis.

No, va ser la primera paraula que vaig dir.

Carles i Robert són els meus cosins.

Herpetòleg vull ser de mallor.

El fútbol és el meu esport favorit.

Zootomia és la meua afició.

Darío. P. 6è de primària


This weekend my parents and I went to have dinner in a Japanese restaurant. My parents celebrated their wedding anniversary.

This wonderful restaurant is named Nozomi. We asked for a tasting menu and it was delicious. We ate eight dishes. The dish that I liked the most was tuna and dessert.

We had a great time together!

I love Japanese food and I already know how to eat with chopsticks.

I would recommend to you this fabulous restaurant.

Claudia using chopsticks


Claudia V. 6th grade.


After 3 months indoor, I finally played with children.

I went out with my cousins, we played a lot of games!

We put little boats in a small river. We played in a palm plantation. We played Tarzan, we build a cave and we did a trap. At last, we had an icecream.

It was the best day in 3 months. I cried when they went home.

Eia-Liv, 5th grade.


Claudia is sweet and beautiful. And with everyone careful.

She is very enjoyable and perhaps too responsible.

She is afraid of failure and doesn’t think too much about the future.


Darío P. 5th grade.


On Friday night, March 27, I saw a video with my family, since we could not leave the house due to the coronavirus.

This video was from “EL CIRCO DEL SOL” and was broadcast outdoors as a special. At first it was a little boring since there was no funny scene. As the show progressed, a man came out who was very good at juggling and did all kinds of stunts with them.

Then some acrobats who jumped on an elastic net and reached a height of about 4 or 5 meters and made characters like a fish or superman. His music was very expressive and his costumes spectacular with a great imagination and color, based on the time of the first inventions such as the light bulb, the train, etc.

Finally there was a mime that expressed with the body different animals, such as the dove and the cat, it was very funny and expressive. In general I really liked the costumes and music as I said before and the staging.

David T. 5th grade.

Valentino’s daily routine

During these days, staying at home, we made a timetable because my family and I need to be organized.

I need time to study, play football, use technology, see movies, have a shower, play with my sister Victoria and help my parents with homemade.

So, the first step was to make a list with all the things I wanted to do and then my mother organized how to do them.

This is my timetable:

clean my room clean my room clean my room clean my room clean my room
Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework
sweep the terrace help mom cook sweep the terrace help mom cook sweep the terrace
eat eat eat eat eat
technology time technology time technology time technology time technology time
read a book read a book read a book read a book read a book
free time free time free time  free time free time
Football free time football free time football
have a shower have a shower have a shower have a shower have a shower
movie movie movie movie movie
dinner dinner dinner dinner pizza party!


Valentino and his sister Victoria reading a book.

Valentino 5th grade