On Friday night, March 27, I saw a video with my family, since we could not leave the house due to the coronavirus.

This video was from “EL CIRCO DEL SOL” and was broadcast outdoors as a special. At first it was a little boring since there was no funny scene. As the show progressed, a man came out who was very good at juggling and did all kinds of stunts with them.

Then some acrobats who jumped on an elastic net and reached a height of about 4 or 5 meters and made characters like a fish or superman. His music was very expressive and his costumes spectacular with a great imagination and color, based on the time of the first inventions such as the light bulb, the train, etc.

Finally there was a mime that expressed with the body different animals, such as the dove and the cat, it was very funny and expressive. In general I really liked the costumes and music as I said before and the staging.

David T. 5th grade.

Valentino’s daily routine

During these days, staying at home, we made a timetable because my family and I need to be organized.

I need time to study, play football, use technology, see movies, have a shower, play with my sister Victoria and help my parents with homemade.

So, the first step was to make a list with all the things I wanted to do and then my mother organized how to do them.

This is my timetable:

clean my room clean my room clean my room clean my room clean my room
Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework
sweep the terrace help mom cook sweep the terrace help mom cook sweep the terrace
eat eat eat eat eat
technology time technology time technology time technology time technology time
read a book read a book read a book read a book read a book
free time free time free time  free time free time
Football free time football free time football
have a shower have a shower have a shower have a shower have a shower
movie movie movie movie movie
dinner dinner dinner dinner pizza party!


Valentino and his sister Victoria reading a book.


Valentino 5th grade



-100 grams de sucre.

– 345 grams de llet evaporada.

– 120 grams de suc de llima.



  • Posar en el got del robot de cuina el sucre i polvoritza.
  • Afegir la pell d’una llima, polvoritzar, i reservar la mescla.
  • Sense netejar el pitxer, afegir la llet evaporada i muntar-la fins que doble el volum.
  • Afegir el suc de llima i la mescla que havíem reservat.
  • Mesclar, posar en un recipient tapat al congelador, esperar mínim 12 hores i…


A disfrutar d’un gelat de llima!

María C. 5è de primària


Aquest llibre s’anomena Sherlock Holmes i els Irregulars de Baker Street i ha sigut escrit per Tracy Mack i Michael Citrin. Ha sigut editat per l’editorial cadí i la col·lecció Sherlock Holmes, amb un total de 183 pàgines i 23 capítols. Va ser imprès a Espanya, concretament a Lleó.

Tracy Mack: És autora de Birland, a més de debutar amb la novel·la Drawing Lessons, fou Top Ten First Novel de Blooklist, a més, és editora de llibres per a nens.

Michael Citrin: A més de ser advocat, és un apassionat admirador de Sherlock Holmes. Als dotze anys ja n’havia llegit totes les històries i havia començat a col·leccionar objectes relacionats amb ell.

El meu llibre parla d’un detectiu anomenat Sherlock Holmes, que amb l’ajuda de Watson i els Irregulars de Baker Street resoldran tots els misteris que es proposen. En aquest cas, es un misteri d’un esperit invocat.

Aleshores, Sherlock Holmes i els seus companys, es van involucrar en una aventura extraordinària, on es van colar dins d’una mansió, van tenir que cuidar d’una xiqueta i en el moment definitiu… (Idees principals i secundàries).

Jo crec que el tema principal del llibre és el següent: Un detectiu anomenat Sherlock Holmes, haurà de resoldre un cas amb l’ajuda d’un grup de xiquets i el seu company Watson. Jo crec que la finalitat que es proposa l’autor amb el llibre és la de ensenyar que al treballar en grup tot és millor.

A mi m’ha agradat molt aquest llibre, ja que es el tercer que em llegeix de Sherlock Holmes i m’agraden molt totes les aventures que ocorren.

Jo no he vist cap error ortogràfic, i no me ha costat molt llegir el llibre, a més de que al índex ho explica tot molt bé. (No he trobat cap apèndix).

Jo crec que l’interès del llibre és el misteri, el qual està present al llarg de totes les aventures.


José . A. 5è de primària


The book is named “Pippi goes shopping”. The author is Astrid Lindgren and the illustrator is Ingrid Nyman. The collection is Pipi and the publisher is rabénfsjogren and the city is Stockholm and has 23 pages.

The book is about a girl named Pipi that goes shopping with her friends Tommy and Anika to buy sweets and lots of different things. When they go outside, all the other children want sweets so they give them and then they go all the kids to buy toys, but they were so many kids so a policeman said to them that they have to go.

I liked the book because I think that it’s so funny. The book doesn’t have table of contents and any information from the author.

Roser, 5th grade.

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time.

Christopher is a boy that has an illness called autism. He doesn’t understand people and he doesn’t like to be touched by other people. He lives with his father. One day, he finds the dog of the neighbour dead. He decides to investigate the death of the dog.

During his investigation, he discovers that his mum was alive, leaving with another man. He was very angry with his father because he lied him.

I think that he book is a little bit difficult to read for me. Sometimes, I don’t understand Christopher because he does stranger things to me.

The theme of the book is the honesty and the trust of people. It is difficult to be like him, he likes a lot mathematics but he doesn’t like people because people don’t tell the truth all the time. It is very sad when he wants to go with her mum because his father lied to him.

The part I liked the most is when he got lost in the city of London.

Adrián B. 5th grade.

The magic finger by Road Dahl

Book Report

The story is about a girl who have a magic finger that can make everything. She was next to the farm of the Greg’s family (Friends). First she put the magic finger in others occasions, but one day, she put the magic finger in the Greg’s family, but later she regretted (main and secondary ideas).



The characters are: The girl who has a magic finger (In the book doesn’t have name), Mr. Greg, Mrs. Greg, William Greg, and Philip Greg (All of them are a family, except the girl who has a magic finger).

I believe that the author’s purpose with the book is to teach that you should not abuse any privilege that you have, in this case, the magic finger, since you may end up regretting what you have done.

I think the main theme of the book is the following: a girl with a magic finger aware of it abuses her power until she ends up regretting one of her actions.

I really liked the book, since I had already read others by the same author (Roald Dahl), and I had all liked them a lot, especially because of how fun they are, just like the one I just read.

It has been very easy for me to read this book, which has a very well explained index, and to my knowledge, there are no spelling errors.

I believe that the interest of the book is fun, which is present in each of the actions of the book.

José A. 5th grade

The Memories of Moominpapa by Tove Jansson.


Title: The Memories of Moominpapa.

Author: Tove Jansson.

Illustrator: Tove Jansson.

Publisher: Sort of books.



Moomintroll, Moominpapa, Joxter, Snufkin, Hodkins, Mybel’s daughter, Snif, Hemulens, and, Moominmama.

  1. PLACES:

The Oshun Oxtra, (a boat), Moomin’s house, a forest, a garden party, the sea.


The book talks about Moominpapa that started writing his memories, and he tell his childish to his son Moomintroll, his wife Moominmama, and to Snif and Snufkin.

It’s very funny and interesting.


Tove Janson (1914-2001) was born in Helsinki, daughter of a sculptor and a graphic designer. She trained as an artist and gained early renown as a painter and cartoonist, but it was the creation of the Moomin books, and series of eight novels for children, that brought her worldwide fame. All her life passed in a little island in the Gulf of Finland, with her life partner, the graphic artist Tuulikki Pietilä.


  • The book talks about, a little village that has a lot of different houses, from different kind of living beings. And it has different parts, the most important of the story, the Moomin valley.

There was a house, named the Moominhouse, where live Moominpapa and Moominmama, with their child Moomintroll and their friends.


One day, Moominpapa gets bored, and started to write his own memories, for everyone know who is him.

So he try to write his book, and every chapter he end, he tell it to his son, and his friends.


It is a fiction story, because, nothing of the story is real.

The story, also, has themes: one of them, the family that helps Moominpapa, to write his memories, also the difficult childish that Moominpapa have to pass, and the friends, that help Moominpapa in every problem of his life.


The characters of the story are more than Moominpapa, there are adults and 3 children, which are Moomintroll, and his friends: Sniff and Snufkin. I like all the characters, but if I have to try one, I’m going to choose the Muddler, because, is so shy and crazy, and has a button collection (it’s so rare but it’s funny).


  • I like this book very much, and I found that there are more. So, I read the 1srt and the 2nd. They are very funny.

Along this time, I have finished all my books, so I said to my father to buy more of the Moomin series. I love the illustrations, and I want to finish all the books and read those 2 or 3 times. I love the book. I have choose a great book for this third term.

Olivia. R. 5th grade.

Un record de Claudia

El meu record és del meu primer carnestoltes. Varem anar d´Hansel i Gretel i d´uns animals. Jo Vaig anar de Gretel.

He recordat aquestos moments gràcies a fotografies i vídeos dels carnestoltes, perquè jo era molt xicoteta i només em recorde d’alguns detalls, com que eixim a la plaça i només vam fer una volta i de seguida ens assentem, érem molt xicotets. Encara que en els últims carnestoltes els xicotets fan fins a un ball!.

A més, jo també he viscut altres carnestoltes com “ La ventafocs”, “ El castell d´aniràs i no tornaràs”, “ Els saltimbanques”, “Brujarella”, “Platero i jo” i “Alícies”.

Una de les coses que más m´agrada del cole són els carnestoltes.

Claudia V. 5è de primària

Moltes gràcies Claudia, quin record més bonic!